What is Nascent Books

Thank you for coming to my site. I’m J.G. Johnson. To start off with, I am a christian and an Author. I’m also an English teacher living in Japan for the last four years with my wife and son. I write mostly Fantasy and Science Fiction, but I do a little bit of writing in all genres. I’m okay with constructive criticism, but bashers and those who can’t form sentences without expletives get the boot. Keep it clean and respectful. If you don’t like something or agree with it, that’s cool, but be respectful and productive in how you say it.

I’ll be posting about my writing, publications, Japan, book reviews, and some other things. From time to time, I’ll also be posting some of my short stories and snippets from larger works here. I try to do a post a day, but life has a vote, so sometimes I may miss a day or two. Keep an eye out and feel free to comment.



    1. Thank you. I’m just starting out so, it is still quite the learning curve but comments like yours are a great help and motivator to keep at it.

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